Wednesday, May 23, 2012

word to the wise

35 year old clumsy woman in flip flops should NOT do an underdog to a child on a swing.  For the second time in 2 days, my flip flops failed me.  The first time I was unloading groceriesand my shoe caught on the step.  I flew forward and hit the basement door then slid across the kitchen floor.  I got a pretty nasty bruise on my shin, but I was fine.  The next day I took the girls to the park.  They of course wanted to swing.  Skylar can push herself but they were hving fun doing underdogs.  I decided to join in the fun and gave Skylar an underdog.  Big mistake.  Big.  Huge.  I hit the divit under the swing and my flip flop got caught in the wood chips.  I flew forward again, landing on my knee and then falling forward.  As I hit the ground my wrist jammed into my rib cage.  I felt instant pain, more pain than I've felt in a LONG time.  i stood up still in incredible pain.  Skylar was really worried.  Larissa didn't see any of it and just wanted me to push her higher (she was facing the other way)  I somehow kept my composure, convinced the girls that we had to leave and went home.  I didnt break down crying until we got home and the girls went downstairs.  I'm not 100% sure what I did, but I either bruised or cracked a rib.  Since I coould still breathe fine, I didn't feel anything poking and there's really nothing they can do for a bruised or cracked rib, I just took some iboprofin, got an ice pack and sat down.  Based on the way I'm feeling, and what I read, I think I just bruised it, meaning my rib moved on impact causing the tendons and muscles to stretch.  I am pretty sore, and things like getting up off the couch, bending over, laughing, coughing and twisting hurt pretty badly.  Touching the affected rib is also very tender.  The first few days were pretty uncomfortable, but now I can sit certain ways and not have any pain at all (until I move, ha ha)  I have even found ways to sleep without pain, which is hard because I sleep on my stomach. 

So I learned a lesson.  No more underdogs, and maybe no more flip flops.  I do love my flip flops though. 

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