Thursday, June 7, 2012

funny conversations with the kids

They run me ragged, but they're funny at the same time.  Here are some of the recent conversations we've had.

Skylar: mom can we go to the pool?
Me: no its already 5 at night
S: it's not night!!
M: it's 5 pm
S: but it's still bright out, it's not night
Me: Skylar stop, it's too late, its already 5
S: but the clock says 4:54
Me: Skylr please stop arguing with me
S: well I'm sorry mom, but you say things wrong.

Skylar is sitting by the air vent,.  She leans over and feels the air coming through.  MOM!!!  I think I found a pipe to the wind!!  She was very excited by this thought. 

Larissa's exzema is in a big flare up right now.  It's is actually cracked and bleeding so I need to be diligent with her medicines and lotions.  Since it's so raw, the medicines sometimes burn, but they do help and only burn for a minute or two.  The other night she was crying saying she didn't want the "spicy" medicine.  She came up with that one by herself. 

Today, after a vigorous 30 minute play session with the girls, which they were climbing all over me, laughing hysterically and we even played the Freeze Dance, i finally said, ok it's time to stop.  I'm pretty sure I got a few new bruises from this play session and I needed a break.  ot 30 seconds later Skylar says, you now this isn't vacation.  I said, yes, it's summer vacation.  Well, this isn't my kind of vacation, it's pretty boring.  I'd rather be in school or on a cruise. 

The other morning Skylar asked Larissa, can I have the rest of your corn toastie?  Larissa's answer was sissy, it's MAY i have your corn toasties and yes you may. 

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