Saturday, June 9, 2012

Poor Larissa

Every summer Larissa gets at least one really bad exzema breakout.  It's always in a different spot too.  At 1 year old it was mostly on her back and chest, lots of smaller spots.  At 2 years old it was the backs of her knees.  That was hard to treat because of the location, but it really wasn't too bad.  At 3 years old it was the tops of both her feet.  That was the first really bad year.  Her feet were cracked and bleeding and on the verge of infection.  Our plan of attack last year was zyrtec once a day.  medicine and lotion twice a day, and a bath every night in plain water.  It worked.  Within a week the bleeding stopped, but it was about a month before the patches went away.  The rest of the summer she had a few rough patches, but we were able to get rid of them quickly. 

This year it's the back of her thighs.  It's pretty bad.  It covers the entire back of both thighs.  One is worse than the other, but both are bad enough.  Just medicine and lotion wasn't working, so this year we have added bleach baths to her routine.  We are on day 3 of her bleach baths and I am seeing a little improvement, but we have a ways to go yet.  She doesn't really seem bothered by it, except when I put the medicine on.  It's burns a little, but she gets over it pretty quickly with a few cuddles. 

It actually looks worse in person, but the pictures show enough.  I really hope she outgrows this, but as of right now, it seems to be getting worse every year. 

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