Wednesday, August 8, 2012

recent conversations

these kids continue to crack me up on a daily basis. 

L: Sissy it's time to wake up
S: no it's not
L: ya huh, I said Cock-a-doodle-doo

While dressing her baby doll in some pj's with a flap in the back, Skylar exclaims, Look Riss, it has a poop flap!!

Today at lunch they each got a small glass of soda as a special treat.  Larissa looks at the cups and says, Skylar, we have soda today, lets be grown ups.  She then folds her hands and says, now, how was your day?  What did you do?  (and they proceed to talk as grown up as they know how, it was pretty funny)

Last week I was trying to get Skylar to hurry up at dinner (she is a very slow eater) I kept telling her to focus on her dinner.  She seriously looks at me and says, remember mom, I lack focus. 

Last week Larissa looked at me and said, mom can you make lunch now?  I'm running out of energy over here. 

Today we were sitting in the parking lot of gymnastics waiting for the rain to slow down and the person next to us to back out.  Skylar shakes her head as the car take a good 3 minutes to slowly pull out of the parking space (he had to go back and forth a few times because it's a really tight parking lot and he was in the same kind of car as me, which is quite large)  She then sighs and says, what a jamoke.  (john and I use that word for idiot drivers) 

Skylar was playing make believe today and I hear her say, ahoy ye scalleywags.  I think she's been watching too much Jake and the Neverland Pirates.  lol. 

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