Tuesday, August 30, 2011

got clothes???

So tonight I got ambitious.  John is out of town and I never sleep well when he's not here, so I decided to go through the girls clothes.  I emptied their closets and dressers and separated everything into 3T, 4T and then 5 and above.  Larissa is pretty much in 3T now, but can wear some 4T.  Skylar is pretty much in 5T or above, but can wear some 4T also (in shorts, shirts or dresses, not in pants) I now know what the girls need in terms of fall clothes.  I thought Larissa would be set with Skylar's old clothes as well as clothes my mom has gotten from day care kids.  I also thought she'd be able to wear 4T pants by this winter, but unless she has a major growth spurt before winter gets here, she's still in 3T pants, of which we really don't have much of.  Skylar is also lacking in the pants department.  She has plenty of jeans (thanks mom) but not much in the way of knit pants, which is what she prefers to wear.  She also needs leggings in all colors.  It turns out almost all of the leggings we have are in 4T, which Larissa will be able to wear. 

3T summer, what Larissa is currently wearing

3T winter

4T summer, Skylar is wearing some of this, but not all

4T winter, both girls will be able to wear some shirts, and hopefully Larissa will be able to wear some of the pants at some point. 

5 and up summer, what Skylar is currently wearing

5 and up Winter, what Skylar will be wearing this fall/winter

It looks like a lot, but most of it is in 4T, unfortunately.  I will still need to get Skylar some new fall/winter clothes, and Larissa will need some pants to go with her many, many shirts.  Both girls will also need sweaters and sweatshirts.  I think new winter jackets are in order too.  Both girls have worn the same jackets for the last 2 years and they are finally showing their wear.  Now that I have my list, it's time to go shopping!!  I do love shopping for their clothes. 

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